Hey, there!
I’m Jessica.
I want to help you live healthy, happy and fit. You deserve a fitness program that works for you, and my goal is to help you make movement a lifelong habit, not just a quick fix for swimsuit season (though you can still feel confident in that bathing suit, too). Keep reading for more info about me and our programs.
Be sure to say hello to my four-legged fitness partner, Peanut, too!

I want to help you get results and enjoy the journey.
I know that most of us use exercise to slim down or tone up, but my science-backed routines are not only designed to help you reach (and maintain) a healthy weight, but also to keep your body strong, vital and full of energy—both today and for years to come.
What makes our programs different from so many of the other options is that our primary goal is to help you enjoy exercise! Consistency is the key to lasting results, so what good is a workout that you don’t want to do? Sure, there are plans that can get you six pack abs in a few short weeks, but how long can you stick with them?
I’ve been a certified trainer and fitness instructor since 1999 and have taught and trained at some of the most prestigious gyms in the country. Before I started my career in this industry, I was someone who was frustrated by fad diets and extreme fitness programs. Exercising hasn’t always been fun for me and I’ve endured the lose-some-gain-more cycle more times than I can count.
After years of trying harder and pushing more, I stopped punishing my body and started listening to it instead. Here’s what I learned: Exercise doesn’t have to be a punishment for what you ate or simply a means of burning calories. It can be a vehicle for self appreciation and improvement. When you can love and appreciate where you are while working towards your goals, you’ll transform the way you live.
After 20+ years of teaching, training and learning in the fitness field, I am thrilled to be able to produce my own line of home workout DVD and digital programs featuring my philosophy of healthy, safe movement that enhances all aspects of daily life. My largest body of work (450 full-length workout videos—and counting!) is available for free online through my YouTube Channel, jessicasmithtv.

My team’s been there, too.
Unlike many home fitness programs, you won’t find bikini-clad, super-model types on my videos. Here’s why: The point of our workouts isn’t to achieve the perfect body (because that doesn’t exist). Getting fit has to do with transforming how we feel, not just how we look. So, on every video you’ll see normal women—just like you. We hope you’ll join us soon!
Meet Peanut
If you join me for any of my free workouts on YouTube, you’ll get to meet my french bulldog, Peanut. She’s here to make sure we don’t take our workouts too seriously (it’s only exercise after all!). With a degree in napping and bone chewing, she provides plenty of entertaining distractions during tougher exercises and aims to remind us that home workouts aren’t always perfect—and that’s OK.