(It’s kind of like shark week, but less scary and better for you)
Think of a strong core as your body’s support system – these muscles help you stand taller, move more smoothly, and potentially even lift more weight safely. By stabilizing your spine, your core muscles provide you with a strong, stable foundation for everyday activities like lifting heavy objects (like your toddler) and assist with movements that require balance and coordination (like jumping over that puddle at the last minute).
A strong core may also help boost your workout performance too, which could translate into both a better fitness level and faster results. One 2009 study done by researchers at Barry University found that 6 weeks of core training drills helped improve the performance of recreational and competitive runners.
And while it’s not a great idea to work your abs, in the same way, every day because it can lead to muscular imbalances, back strain and even overuse strain or injury (so please skip those 100 rep challenges!), you can safely and effectively train your ‘core’ muscles (which we use in almost everything we do!) on a daily basis with a smart and balanced rotation.

Targeted abs workouts can be great for engaging and strengthening the core, but don’t forget that you can also get build core strength from focusing on it during your total body workouts as well. Aim for a mix of training that works your core in a multitude of ways, including exercises that involve challenging the core muscles to do what they are designed for — to stabilize your spine. Most of our workouts involve engaging the core in some way, here are a few routines put together into one weekly rotation that you might want to try that really zero in on core strength.
Feel free to follow along using the DVD/digital recommendations with any programs you may already have in your library, and/or use the video options that are available FREE on our YouTube channel. As you go through each session this week be sure to really focus on engaging through your core muscles whenever appropriate to maximize the core strengthening benefits of each routine:
MONDAY: 30-Minute Total Body Training from our “Walk Strong: 6 Week System” DVD and/or 15-Minute Streamline Sculpt from our “Walk Strong 3” DVD; OR 30-Minute 2-in-1 Toning and/or 20-Minute Circuit on YouTube
TUESDAY: 30-Minute Core Control from our “Walk Strong: Build Balance & Inner Strength” DVD and/or 20-Minute Floor Barre from our “Barre Fitness” DVD; OR 20-Minute Standing Pilates Fusion Abs and 25-Minute Abs, Butt & Thighs Barre Workout on YouTube
WEDNESDAY: 28-Minute Total Abs Transformer from our “Cardio Abs” DVD and/or 30-Minute Total Focus from our “Walk Strong: Boost Metabolism & Muscle” DVD; OR 30-Minute Travel-Friendly Cardio Strength Circuit on YouTube
THURSDAY: 30-Minute Barefoot Cardio Core from our “Walk Strong 3” DVD and/or 20-Minute Core Stretch from our “Total Body Balance” DVD; OR 45-Minute Cardio Ball Ballet on YouTube
FRIDAY: 30-Minute Cardio HIT! and/or 30-Minute Pilates + Yoga from our “Walk Strong 3” DVD; OR 30-Minute Kickboxing Cardio Abs and/or 12-Minute Standing Pilates for Flat Abs on YouTube
SATURDAY: 47-Minute Fusion Strength from our “Feel Good Fusion” DVD; OR 30-Minute Fusion Sculpt on YouTube
SUNDAY: 20-Minute Yoga for Balance and Core Strength from our “Yoga Fusion Fix” DVD, and/or 20-Minute Dynamic Stretch on YouTube
Click here to download a printable, pdf version of the weekly schedule. (Big thanks to community Jennifer S. for sharing her calendar with the team!)
Just finished day three of this after completing the five week summer of strength. My muscles are really starting to show and I feel so good seeing my progress in strength and endurance. Thank you Jessica, for your positivity, inclusiveness, and fitness expertise! I am so grateful to have you in my life 🙂
Lynda Brody me too!! The exact same thing LOL. I finished SOS on Saturday and just did Day 2 of Core Week. Are your muscles crazy sore though because mine are! Today did me in. I LOVE JESSICA. My boyfriend affectionately refers to my pain now as #bodybyJessica.
Just finished a week doing the YouTube recommended routines and then next week I will do the download recommendations. Really seeing the benefit of doing these challenges as feeling fitter, more toned and I have so much energy. These challenges has put something positive into my life on lockdown. Thank you😀.
Looking forward to SoS 2020 once my second week of the Core Challenge is over.
I’m a long-time follower/exerciser/fan of Jessica’s. This is the first time I’ve done a plan, and I really love it. I’m trying workouts I haven’t done before, and the week-long format makes me feel successful, as I’ve stuck with it. Looking forward to the next plan. 🙂
CORE week has come at the right time, Jessica! I am 100 pounds overweight and have tried so many different workouts. Actually, today I was thinking about giving up my weight routine. Then I read your email. I always forget how much fun you are and so very professional. I believe CORE week will be a great way to start all over again. And I am not upset about the “again” in the last sentence. The only way I can go is forward. No looking back.
Great timing. Looking forward to it!
I’m in. Thank you for your challenges. I’m a teacher and the short workouts really helps to get my day started.
I love Jessica’s workouts. I never miss A-day even if I’m not feeling well
Looks as if it has now been fixed.
Thanks Karen for raising it and to Jessica for magically fixing it.
I’m a week behind and just did Day 1 (did the 30-minute 2-in-1 from YouTube), and holy cow…that was a tough workout. But good! Thank you, Jessica, for offering such a wide variety of options and routines. I have a low boredom threshold, and your videos (both YouTube and the “professionally produced” ones), keep me motivated.
I appreciate you taking the time to give us a map for our workouts. I was thinking there would be quick 10-15 minute workouts with this weeks list, and that I would have to add in other workouts. No! It was great. Thank you.
With that said….is the Sunday, Dynamic Stretch, the wrong link? I searched the Youtube and did find a dynamic stretch video that was 20 minutes. The link above leads to the Pilates fusion ab workout. Thank you again!
Thanks so much for joining us for CORE WEEK Karen! And thanks so much for letting us know about the link – it has been fixed and should load correctly now 🙂
Wonderful to have another challenge to follow the Summer of Strength. I started this one on Wednesday and plan to do it over a two week period. I love the variety and the challenge too. It is exciting to wake up each morning to discover a new or rediscover an old favourite. Thank you Jessica????????????
Hi Jessica
I just clicked on the link to Sunday’s Dynamic Stretch and it took me to Standing Pilates. I just wanted to let you know in case you need to update the links.
Really enjoying this Core Fortnight very much.
Best wishes
Jackie Mc
Thanks for the Ab workout! I’ll be right there with you and little Peanut!
Looks great! Committing to the next two weeks.Will do first choice beginning on the 12th and then the and/or second choice the next week. Thank you!!!
Thanks for this Jessica , I’m always happier to follow your plans than to make my own ????????????????
Hi Jessica, I love your workouts especially the ones with you and your mom, and of course Peanut! I love dogs, we have 4 all rescues. I would love to see some workouts using loop bands I have a set ranging in intensity, but it’s hard to find full length workouts showing how to use them and tone your body.
Looking forward to working out with you and getting stronger abs.
Ik ga er voor!!
Looking forward to the ab challenge
Would love to do the week long Ab workouts. That’s the area I’ve been focusing on.
Thaaaank you so much for including YouTube options!! I will definitely join in for Core week!
I’m looking forward to it. Your 6 week transformation has been a life saver for me. I don’t like gyms, or exercise. Never knew where to start. I hate changing clothes so I do them in my pjs at home. My body was freezing up and i knew i needed work. Sometimes now I walk 2 miles outdoors. I even did my first 5k, but I like coming back to the at home videos when getting out is too much work or too hot or cold. ???? I also like that I know my whole body is being worked on in a reasonable manner.. i recommend them to everyone.
Too bad there’s not something for men.
Thank you Jessica
I appreciate and thank you for all your workouts ..you are so polite and ladylike and strong also..your workouts are different always effective and such a Hugh variety ..wishing you continued success
Regards susan (Ireland)????????????
Many thanks to your cds and YouTube channel. I appreciate the support, continuous pep talk and support. I love the Resistance Band Workout, weights and cardio yes all of them.
Thank you Jessica for helping me to help myself
Looking forward to doing this series of exercises next week. Thank you for both the DVD and YouTube options. It’s the best of both worlds.
I’d also like to thank you for providing these wonderful workout plans. It makes things so much easier to actually DO the workout when there is a guide of what to choose. I will definitely be joining you on the week of the 12th.
I love working out with you, after 5 years listening to your voice at least 4 times a week Feel like you are family. Thank you for all you give, your dedication and knowledge are to be admire. ????
Thank you! I love your 30 workouts !
Thank you! I love your 30 workouts they are more effective than anyother!
Thank you again for giving options for workouts from your DVD collection and YouTube! I like to do as many of the workouts as I have access to, and I also get to explore workouts on YouTube I may not have otherwise done. My goal is to one day do all your YouTube workouts! I have already done many and many are repeat favorites! I do your YouTube workouts religiously when I travel. In my hotel room…and sometimes in the fitness rooms when there are weights! Thank you!
Even though this is a week long plan I love that there are so many options that I could make this into a two week plan! Thank you for providing the work out plans that you do along with all of your work out videos. As someone who has worked out with you since 2013 my body appreciates it.
Love her work outs
Thanks Jessica for always motivational