Regular exercise has many benefits, but did you know of the connection between exercise and bone health? Read on for more info & 3 proven bone density exercises.
Exercise and Bone Density: 3 Proven Bone Strengthening Activities
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Regular exercise has many benefits, but did you know of the connection between exercise and bone health? Read on for more info & 3 proven bone density exercises.
Should you wait to lose weight to start strength training? No way! Here are seven, science-backed reasons to stop waiting to lose weight lift weights.
If you've ever experienced wrist pain during an exercise you know it's no fun and it could even be holding you back from seeing progress if it prevents you from completing your workout! This basic, wrist focused routine is designed to help you build strength,...
I am often asked: Should I lift heavy or light weights? Won’t lifting heavy make me bulk up? Isn’t lifting light weight just a waste of time? And while I know many trainers would disagree, my answer is that both types of training can offer significant benefits....