
Best Motivational Quotes for Working Out

Best Motivational Quotes for Working Out

Quote collections are one of my favorite sources of inspiration! Any time you need a little extra dose of motivation to get moving, check out any of these words of wisdom (be sure to pin and share your faves!). What do you think are the best motivational quotes for...

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6 Ways Exercise is Good for Your Brain

6 Ways Exercise is Good for Your Brain

  You probably started working out because you know it’s good for your body. Physical activity helps decrease the risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes, reduces the likelihood of developing certain types of cancer, strengthens our muscles, and protects our...

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10 Inspirational Walking Quotes to Help You Go The Extra Mile

10 Inspirational Walking Quotes to Help You Go The Extra Mile

Spark up your motivation mojo with these 10 inspiring fitness quotes (they are great for life in general too) -- be sure to pin your favorites! #1: An early-morning walk is a blessing for the whole day. - Henry David Thoreau #2: There are no limits. There are only...

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3 Reasons Why You Should Forget How Many Calories Your Workout Burns (And Focus On This Instead)

3 Reasons Why You Should Forget How Many Calories Your Workout Burns (And Focus On This Instead)

Have you ever wondered, “how many calories can I burn with this workout routine? How often should I do it to lose weight?”  If so, you aren’t alone! I know many of us are exercising to help us change our body composition or reach weight loss goals, and if you are curious about the calorie burn (or use a tracker to help provide you with this kind of feedback) of your exercise routine, I hope you will keep reading.

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The Light vs. Heavy Weights Debate: Which Is Better?

The Light vs. Heavy Weights Debate: Which Is Better?

  I am often asked: Should I lift heavy or light weights? Won’t lifting heavy make me bulk up? Isn’t lifting light weight just a waste of time? And while I know many trainers would disagree, my answer is that both types of training can offer significant benefits....

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