
Why Recovery is Crucial for Progress

Why Recovery is Crucial for Progress

Do you find yourself feeling like you aren’t doing enough exercise? Or maybe that if you take one or two rest days, you won’t see results as quickly? Aren’t we supposed to be moving as much as possible, all the time, to get better results? Not necessarily! Exercise,...

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What You Need to Know About Pelvic Floor Exercises

What You Need to Know About Pelvic Floor Exercises

“One myth to watch out for is that Kegel exercises fix everything. That's not necessarily true. Kegels can make things worse for people who are experiencing high tone pelvic floor problems, for example, because the exercises are further engaging the already overly...

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Achy Knees? Try This…

Achy Knees? Try This…

  Achy knees? You may need to strengthen your hips. Do your knees ache sometimes? If so, you are not alone.   Knee pain or discomfort is more common than you might think, especially for women. In fact, women are more likely than men to experience knee pain...

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3 Ways to Eat for Self-Love (not Punishment)

3 Ways to Eat for Self-Love (not Punishment)

In this season, I’m feeling called to help women learn to really care for ourselves. I think sometimes we tend to be excruciatingly self-critical. This can result in us taking on healthy habits as a form of punishment or a way to “fix” something about ourselves. Making goals coming from that place is a recipe for yo-yo dieting and unsustainable exercise patterns.

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What’s the difference between HIIT, SIT, and Tabata? (And Why Does it Matter?)

What’s the difference between HIIT, SIT, and Tabata? (And Why Does it Matter?)

SIT and Tabata are both types of high-intensity interval training (HIIT), which, according to the American Council on Exercise, High-intensity interval training (HIIT) can provide numerous health and fitness-boosting benefits (including “increased mitochondrial density, improved stroke volume, improved oxidative capacity of muscle and enhanced aerobic efficiency.”

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What is Functional Training (And Why Does It Matter)?

What is Functional Training (And Why Does It Matter)?

  I was recently asked a great question about the definition of functional training (thank you, Shelia!) and thought it might be a great idea to share more about this concept in case you have been wondering about it too.  "Functional training" has become a...

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What is Mobility (And Why Does It Matter)?

What is Mobility (And Why Does It Matter)?

  Is mobility work a part of your regular fitness routine yet? You've probably heard of mobility by now, but when it comes to fitness, what exactly is mobility, and why does it matter? The American Council on Exercise (ACE) calls mobility (defining optimal...

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3 Tips for Spring Cleaning Your Habits

3 Tips for Spring Cleaning Your Habits

Spring is a time of new beginnings, and many of us take this season of warmer weather and baby plants and animals as a time to reset our environment. What if we also took inventory of some of our less helpful food and lifestyle habits and did a little spring editing there as well? Consider the following questions:

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3 Reasons Why You Should Forget How Many Calories Your Workout Burns (And Focus On This Instead)

3 Reasons Why You Should Forget How Many Calories Your Workout Burns (And Focus On This Instead)

Have you ever wondered, “how many calories can I burn with this workout routine? How often should I do it to lose weight?” If so, you aren’t alone!

I know many of us are exercising to help us change our body composition or reach weight loss goals. If you are curious about the calorie burn (or use a tracker to help provide you with this kind of feedback) of your exercise routine, I hope you find this email helpful.

Here are three main reasons why you may want to stop worrying about your exact calorie burn with exercise:

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The Two Biggest Weight Loss Mistakes You Are Probably Making

The Two Biggest Weight Loss Mistakes You Are Probably Making

Imagine this scenario: you run into someone you haven’t seen in a while, and they’ve obviously lost a good amount of weight. What happens in your brain? Do you wonder how they did it? Do you ask them their secret? Are you tempted to take notes and do everything exactly as they did? 

In 20+ years working in healthcare, I’ve seen many weight loss trends come and go. Some plans help people slim down, and some don’t. Some are based on sound advice, and some are completely absurd. The truth is that no matter what seems to be in fashion, the basic scientific facts about weight loss remain consistent. I do my best to keep an open mind when a seemingly new idea rolls around, but it’s usually an old idea wrapped up in a shiny new package (book, podcast, celebrity interview, etc.). We have to be careful where we are getting our advice, especially in a world where anyone can post any advice publicly without consequences.

Here are the top 2 mistakes I see people make when they want to lose weight:

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Is Exercise Really Worth It?

Is Exercise Really Worth It?

I was recently a great question, “is exercise truly worth the effort?”

I will admit to being 100% biased regarding the benefits of exercise. I have always enjoyed moving and found it beneficial in so many ways throughout many different stages of my life. 

However, I know that not everyone feels the same about working out, and I can completely understand why exercise may not be something everyone wants to do regularly.

When it comes to whether or not exercise is worth your time, there are a few things to consider.

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Am I Getting Enough Protein? Here’s How to Tell

Am I Getting Enough Protein? Here’s How to Tell

Protein is a very important component of the foods you eat. Along with carbohydrates and fat, it’s one of the three macronutrients that you need to balance in your diet for optimal health. Protein is a building block for muscle, so of course, it is essential to consume adequate amounts, especially when you are trying to gain strength. Probably one of the most common questions that I get asked by athletes is, “am I getting enough protein?” so I figured that with so many of us working here to get stronger, it would be a great time to address this topic.

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How to Enjoy Holiday Eating (Without Guilt or Stress)

How to Enjoy Holiday Eating (Without Guilt or Stress)

We are excited to share this special guest post from Rebecca the Dietitian! We recognize how much the way you fuel your body influences your exercise results, and are excited to be able to bring you Rebecca’s sound eating advice to help you optimize your health, enjoy...

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THIS is how you burn more fat

THIS is how you burn more fat

The best way to burn more fat is not a secret pill, powder, fast, or ‘method’ — it’s much more simple (and yet, so interestingly complex within our body!) than that. To burn more fat, we must keep our body and its systems strong and healthy, and exercise is a remarkable tool to help us do this.

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Busy? Do These 4 Things to Stay Fit

Busy? Do These 4 Things to Stay Fit

If you are short on time, please know that when it comes to a good workout, consistent quality matters more than quantity! Focus on what you can do to move your body each day, in the time you have, especially during busier seasons of life.

Here are a few tips on fitting in fitness when time is tight:

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What is A Metabolic Profile (and Why Does it Matter)?

What is A Metabolic Profile (and Why Does it Matter)?

You already know exercise is vital for your health, but are you prioritizing movement throughout the rest of your day? The average adult spends 70% of their day seated, wreaking havoc on our health. Researchers have found a strong association between too much sitting and all-cause mortality risk, even in those who meet the current minimum daily guidelines for exercise.  One of the things you’ll hear me talk about a lot is the small, simple habits we can create to support our health. One of those small (but important!) habits is non-exercise activity time (or NEAT for short). If you are trying to stay healthy and maintain a healthy weight, adding more NEAT to your day may be helpful. An individual’s metabolic profile helps determine how much activity they do daily (not including sleep time). This profiling offers a way to chart your daily schedule to determine how much time you spend sitting vs. in motion (standing, walking, etc.).Why is that important? For two adults of similar size, daily energy expenditure (accounting for similarities in size-based, basal resting metabolic rate) from this type of NEAT movement can vary by as much as 2,000 calories per day. That enormous difference can significantly aid in weight loss without adding additional ‘exercise’ time. 

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Sleep: The Foundation of Good Health (and Fat Loss)

Sleep: The Foundation of Good Health (and Fat Loss)

Sleep: You know it's essential, but how much do you need, and what if you can't sleep? When it comes to our health and wellness, we're usually focused on all of the things we should be doing (exercising, moving throughout the day, eating healthy food). Interestingly,...

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How do I get rid of stubborn belly fat?

How do I get rid of stubborn belly fat?

  Q: How do I lose stubborn belly fat? What I find so frustrating is my weight is where I want it to be. I do strength training, cardio, and concentrated core and ab work, but I can't lose this gut. I bet you are going to say it has a lot to do with diet, and you...

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3 Ways to Help Stop Binge Eating

3 Ways to Help Stop Binge Eating

We are excited to share this special guest post from Rebecca the Dietitian! We recognize how much the way you fuel your body influences your exercise results, and are excited to be able to bring you Rebecca’s sound eating advice to help you optimize your health, enjoy...

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What’s the Best Workout for Weight Loss?

What’s the Best Workout for Weight Loss?

The #1 question I get asked about is: "What workouts should I do to lose weight?" I wanted to share some thoughts on this topic with you today since I am so frequently asked about this (and if weight loss isn't one of your goals, this can also help with exercising for...

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